

All attempts will be made to continue every show unless the weather is extremely poor. On the morning of a day with eminent bad weather that might effect that day’s show, the bandshell’s talent chairman/technician will be in contact with a spokesperson for the performing group. Those two persons will determine whether to continue the show or not.  If the show is canceled, there will then be a notice on all relevant web sites and social media. If possible, the show will be rescheduled for a future date (almost always rescheduling in the current year is not possible.  We are booked solid for our year and so are the bands. The future date is most likely in the following year.)

What to bring

Limited seating is provided on benches and picnic tables. It is common for audience members to bring their own folding chairs or blankets. Umbrellas and rain gear is appropriate for possible light rain. Canopies/tents should be placed close to the streets surrounding the park and limited the line of sight for others. Bug spray is also helpful in the later months of the summer.

Food & Alcohol

Snack food, soda, water, Beer and wine coolers will be available for sale at all Friday, Saturday and Sunday shows through our food truck. Many performances will have sandwiches. Check the events listings to determine the available dates. The money raised from our concession sales help pay for our entertainment. City ordinance states the no carry ins or carry outs are allowed.


All four corner sidewalk entrances to the park are wheelchair accessible as is at least one of the sanitary Porta-Potties.


Pets are permitted in the park as long as they are on a leash. Owners are responsible for appropriately disposing of any deposits made by their pets.


Certain Fridays are designated for child-oriented movies. A playground is in the park area. All concerts are intended to be “child friendly.” All events have sidewalk chalk available for children to decorate the sidewalk and show their artistic talents.