Sponsor Form

The City of Delavan’s Phoenix Park Bandshell is an asset to the community providing a variety of free entertainment for all ages and tastes. Your contribution toward this effort will provide the financial resources needed to offer these quality concerts.

Completed form with payment must be made by March 1st to guarantee printed promotion.
The Board Members of Friends of the Phoenix Park Bandshell

Thank you for supporting live music!

Remember, gifts to Phoenix Park Bandshell, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, may be tax deductible.

View a sponsorship form.


Step 1. Enter your information online:

    Send this information to the bandshell database.

    Step 2. Make your payment online for Sponsorships:

    Or make checks payable to: Friends of the Phoenix Park Bandshell, INC.
    Send to: PO Box 218, Delavan WI 53115

    Questions? Please call 262-728-8577
    or email DelavanPhoenixParkBandshell@gmail.com